Wasted Emotions for Writers

B&W typewriter

We are all plagued by wasted emotions in our everyday lives; worrying about tomorrow, worrying if we fit in, etc. But as a writer, we have added concerns, which are equally a waste of time, but they concerned us nonetheless. I’ve written four worries below, which only scratches the surface, but if I included them all, this post would be unbearably long.

My writing isn’t worthy or intelligent

Not everyone has the urge or ability to write high-brow literary fiction, but does that really matter? Not all the plethora of readers want to read such novels all the time, if at all. A story that captures the reader and sparks their imagination is worth more than clever words. Besides, it’s hard to judge one’s own work, one reviewer classed my novel, Garlic & Gauloises, as literary fiction, but I hadn’t seen it in this light. What one person sees may not be seen by the next person. Just enjoy writing, and learn as you progress, who knows where it may lead you?

Comparing oneself with other authors

How often do we read a post by an author, telling of their success at publication, getting an agent, having a successful book signing, or being a top-rated Amazon author? All the time, I hear you cry. What we forget is that those authors have also been in the position of no agent, no publishers, and not selling well, but no one shouts about it; people only shout of their successes. We then think, to be like that person I must write in the same genre, make my book covers similar, and aspire to be like them. Well no, we should be who we are, and write with our own unique voice, as readers don’t want to read a homogenous range of books, they want diversity and a voice that draws them in, not that sounds like the other author they read.

How many books have been sold?

Ugh, that’s usually the first question people ask me, and it’s soul destroying to think that figures are the only thing that matter in the non-writing community. Of course it’s lovely to sell, I won’t lie, I get a warm glow when my sales graphs peak, but that’s not everything, and we mustn’t forget that. I remember my publisher saying that sales increase when you have a back catalogue, and he was right, people become hooked on your genre, style, or series. It’s a matter of being patient and learning your craft, so each book you produce improves as you progress.

What people think of your book?

Let’s face it, we can’t please all of the readers all of the time. What someone loves, someone else may find dreadful, and say so in a review; everyone’s a critic. We must not be defeated by negativity, unless all the reviews are the same, and so maybe telling us that something about the book isn’t working. That’s alright, we can correct the issue and move on. Do not, however, get into a battle of words with a reviewer, they have the right to give their opinion on the book, our job is to remain placidly in the background. Sometimes because people know you in real life, they might be of the opinion that you can’t possibly write well, so they don’t even bother to check you out!

Happy Words Flow One & All


4 thoughts on “Wasted Emotions for Writers

  1. A great post and so very true. When you say we must be patient and learn our craft I couldn’t agree more – we must also write what inspires us if that writing is to be good. Loved Attics of the Mind as you know, so please, don’t worry re your writing ability on that score – the story was first class!

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  2. Thank you so much, Shani, your comments have warmed my heart indeed. I’ve always been in awe of you as an author, and was so pleased when we were placed next to one another in Peterborough. Hope to meet you again in Peterborough in 2017!

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