Lockdown Lessons 2


Well here we are, almost three weeks into lockdown and Alfie’s taken to drinking gin! (Before you call the RSPCA – it’s water) I’ve kept my own alcohol consumption to its normal minimum, but snacking has increased – I won’t be beach ready this year, although there may be no beaches to visit, who knows? I’m missing my gym classes, and the online alternatives don’t work as well for me – I can be a bit lazy, given half the chance.

I’ve rediscovered childhood comfort food in the form of bananas and custard – which we’re eating quite regularly – such is the need for comfort these days!

I’ve reread Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman as a comfort read and have ordered Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (the copy I have is in a box of children’s books in the loft, which feels like climbing Mount Everest to go there), as another source of comfort read.

I’ve discovered Tiggy is back in the hedgehog house, so I’m feeding him hog food and some mealworms. In turn, he thanks me by pooing all over the patio.

I’ve realised how wonderful it is to have a neighbour with an allotment, as he has provided us with lots of delicious purple sprouting broccoli.  I’ve made stir-fries with it using fresh ginger, garlic, bacon and mushrooms with pasta (I had some in fortunately as it’s like gold dust!)

WHO is buying all the plain Galaxy chocolate still?? I managed to find some with caramel in our local shop, for which I’m grateful, but plain Galaxy is another comfort food for me. Hey ho…

Thursdays at eight o’clock is a time to connect with neighbours as we all stand on our doorsteps clapping all the NHS staff, care staff, and other services who are doing sterling work during this difficult time.

I hope you are all still keeping well and safe, and finding the headspace to write and read. Thank you for being here.


7 thoughts on “Lockdown Lessons 2

  1. I love the Galaxy milk and dark mixture but can’t get that either! We’re actually growing the little garden pots from M&S seeing as I’m not able to give them to my grandson. So at least we’ll have lots of basil, parsley, lettuce and some carrots…that’s if they take!

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    • I wonder why the run on Galaxy, Cathy, and not Dairy Milk which is in abundance here. I’ve not tried the milk and dark mix, but I certainly will when I can find some! Ah, yes, it’s really hard not seeing our families – what a lovely idea to grow things for your grandson – they will take! I’m making up another box full of treats to send to my daughters, who fortunately live together now. Stay strong, Cathy x

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  2. I have a theory that people switched to Galaxy after Cadbury a)became owned by Kraft b)started messing with the recipe. I was always a Dairy Milk girl but now won’t buy it and have changed to Galaxy – though I haven’t been buying it up so not guilty. I’m quite partial to Aldi’s own chocolate and have a cupboard full of chocolate buttons – they can last me an evening longer than a bar of chocolate.

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    • You may have found the answer, Jill, so it’s Kraft I should be miffed with. I’ve got a very sweet tooth, sadly, hence preferring the extra sweetness of Galaxy. I have two daughters, one is a Dairy Milk girl (as you so aptly put it!) and the other is a Galaxy gal. I’m in awe of you making buttons last longer than a bar – can’t imagine I’d do the same *tut*

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  3. I have no willpower when it comes to chocolate, unfortunately, but I usually counterbalance it with three gym classes a week. I dread to think what state I’ll be when we’re free. I may have to borrow some of your willpower in the meantime, Jill!


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